cody init


cody init


Set up initial .cody files.


cody init # infers the name from the parent folder
cody init my-project # set the name

Type Option

The type option is useful to generate subfolder under .cody that contain another codebuild project. Example:

cody init --type unit

Thi generates the cb files under the .cody/unit folder.

└── unit
    ├── buildspec.yml
    └── project.rb

To tell cody to use these files, you specify the --type option as a part of the other commands. Examples:

cody deploy --type unit
cody start --type unit


So if you need multiple CodeBuild projects that perform different tasks but are both related to the same code repo, you might have a structure like this:

├── deploy
│   ├── buildspec.yml
│   └── project.rb
└── unit
    ├── buildspec.yml
    └── project.rb

Mode Option

By default, cody init generates a very lightweight structure. You can have it also generate a “full” structure with the --mode option. Example.

$ cody init --mode full
$ tree .cody
├── buildspec.yml
├── project.rb
├── role.rb
├── schedule.rb
├── settings.yml
└── variables
    ├── base.rb
    ├── development.rb
    └── production.rb

Custom Templates

If you would like the cody init command to use your own custom templates, you can achieve this with the --template and --template-mode options. Example:

cody init --template=tongueroo/cody-custom-template

This will clone the repo on GitHub into the ~/.cody/templates/tongueroo/cody-custom-template and use that as an additional template source. The default --template-mode=additive mode means that if there’s a file in tongueroo/cody-custom-template that exists it will use that in place of the default template files.

If you do not want to use any of the original default template files within the cody gem at all, you can use the --template-mode=replace mode. Replace mode will only use templates from the provided --template option. Example:

cody init --template=tongueroo/cody-custom-template --template-mode=replace

You can also specific the full GitHub url. Example:

cody init --template=

If you would like to use a local template that is not on GitHub, then created a top-level folder in ~/.cody/templates without a subfolder. Example:

cody init --template=my-custom # uses ~/.cody/templates/my-custom


[--force]                        # Bypass overwrite are you sure prompt for existing files
[--name=NAME]                    # CodeBuild project name
[--mode=MODE]                    # Modes: light or full
                                 # Default: light
[--template=TEMPLATE]            # Custom template to use
[--template-mode=TEMPLATE_MODE]  # Template mode: replace or additive
[--type=TYPE]                    # Type option creates a subfolder under .cody
[--verbose], [--no-verbose]      
[--noop], [--no-noop]            

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