Naming Conventions

Cody follows a few naming conventions.

Project Name

It will set the CodeBuild project name by inferring the name of the parent folder. For example, if the parent folder is demo.

cd demo
cody deploy

The CodeBuild project is named demo. You can override this easily by providing a project name.

cd deploy my-project # explicitly use my-project as CodeBuild project name

The CodeBuild project is named my-project

Type Option

If the --type option is used, then it is appended to the CodeBuild project name. For example:

cody deploy my-project --type unit

The CodeBuild project is named my-project-unit.


The CODY_ENV_EXTRA also affects the name of the CodeBuild project. It gets appended after the type option.

CODY_ENV_EXTRA=2 cody deploy my-project --type unit

The CodeBuild project is named my-project-unit-2.

Settings append_env option

If the append_env: true is configured in the Settings, then the CODY_ENV gets injected into the CodeBuild full project name as well as the CloudFormation stack name. The general form is PROJECT_NAME-TYPE-CODY_ENV-CODY_ENV_EXTRA. Example:

Cody Project Name Type CODY_ENV CODY_ENV_EXTRA Full AWS CodeBuild Project Name
demo deploy development 2 demo-deploy-development-2

The default is append_env: false. So this is the usual full AWS CodeBuild project name:

Cody Project Name Type CODY_ENV CODY_ENV_EXTRA Full AWS CodeBuild Project Name
demo (not set) development (not set) demo

Stack Name

The CloudFormation stack name which creates the CodeBuild related resources is named the same as the project name with -cody appended to the stack name. Examples:

Cody Project Name Stack Name
demo demo-cody
demo-unit demo-unit-cody
demo-web-unit demo-web-unit-cody

Though not recommended, the -cody that gets appended to the stack can be adjusted with settings also. For example, stack_naming.append_stack_name: cb would result in demo-cb.

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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