Type Option

The --type option is a powerful option that allows you to create multiple codebuild projects associated with the same repo.

Default Behavior

By default, cody looks up files in the .cody folder. Example:


You can affect the behavior of the lookup logic with the --type option.


cody deploy --type deploy

This will look up buildspec.yml, project.rb, and role.rb files in the .cody/deploy folder. So:


Likewise cody deploy --type unit would result in:



So if you need multiple CodeBuild projects that perform different tasks but are both related to the same code repo, this structure is useful:

├── deploy
│   ├── buildspec.yml
│   ├── project.rb
│   ├── role.rb
│   └── schedule.rb
└── unit
    ├── buildspec.yml
    ├── project.rb
    ├── role.rb
    └── schedule.rb

Code Project Name

The CloudFormation stack name is appended with the name of the type option. So if your project folder is demo and the type option is unit.

cd demo # project folder
cody deploy --type unit

It produces a CodeBuild project named demo-unit. The project name is an optional first CLI argument. Here’s an example:

cd demo # project folder
cody deploy demo-web --type deploy # CodeProject name: demo-web-deploy

Stack Name

The stack name is the same as the CodeBuild project name with the -cody suffix appended to it. Examples:

CodeBuild Project Name Stack Name
demo demo-cody
demo-unit demo-unit-cody
demo-web-unit demo-web-unit-cody

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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