Project DSL

You define the CodeBuild project in .cody/project.rb. Here’s an example of the DSL used to create a codebuild project.


# name("demo") # recommended to leave unset and use the conventional name that cody sets
  UFO_ENV: "development",
  API_KEY: "ssm:/codebuild/demo/api_key" # ssm param example

Here’s a list of some of the convenience shorthand DSL methods:

  • buildspec(path)
  • environment_variables(vars)
  • github_source(options={})
  • github_url(url)
  • linux_environment(options={})
  • linux_image(name)
  • local_cache(enable=true)

Refer to the dsl/project.rb source code for the most updated list of methods.

Webhook Example

If you would like for a build to run on every commit pushed.

triggers(Webhook: true)

For more control over the branches to run:

  Webhook: true,
  FilterGroups: [[{Type: "HEAD_REF", Pattern: "my-branch"}, {Type: "EVENT", Pattern: "PUSH"}]]


  • The extra brackets: [[]] is actually the proper format. I know weird.
  • The GitHub oauth token needs admin:repo_hook permissions for triggers.

Full DSL

The convenience methods are shorter and cleaner. However, you have access to a Full DSL if needed. The Full DSL methods are merely the properties of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project CloudFormation Resource. Here’s an example.


# name("demo") # recommend to not set, and let cody set this automatically
  Type: "GITHUB",
  Location: "",
  GitCloneDepth: 1,
  GitSubmodulesConfig: { FetchSubmodules: true },
  BuildSpec: ".cody/buildspec.yml",
  Auth: {
    Type: "OAUTH",
    Resource: ssm("/codebuild/demo/oauth_token"),
  ReportBuildStatus: true,

artifacts(Type: "NO_ARTIFACTS")
  ComputeType: "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL",
  ImagePullCredentialsType: "CODEBUILD",
  PrivilegedMode: true,
  Image: "aws/codebuild/standard:4.0",
  EnvironmentVariables: [
      Type: "PLAINTEXT",
      Name: "UFO_ENV",
      Value: "development"
      Type: "PARAMETER_STORE",
      Name: "API_KEY",
      Value: "/codebuild/demo/api_key"

service_role(ref: "IamRole")

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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